Another post about Hoodie Allen? Wow, what a surprise! You asked for it though, so I'm here to deliver.
On April 26, Hoodie had a concert at Clarion University with Quinn XCII. My friend and I didn't leave until a little after 5pm, thinking we'd make it there right in time to see the opener. On the way there, we ended up getting caught in traffic. The GPS said we'd be stuck in traffic for about 26 minutes, but we ended up being in the same spot for at least 40 minutes. When the traffic was finally cleared, we booked it to Clarion.
When we arrived at the stadium, it was about 8:30. We originally thought this would be no big deal since we assumed Hoodie was the headliner of the concert. My friend had to go to the bathroom, but I decided I'd wait outside and try to figure out what was going on. While I was waiting, Hoodie himself walked by and these college girls were screaming, "Hoodie you did so good!" My heart dropped.
I didn't take my meds this day, so, of course, I immediately started having a mental breakdown. We drove two and a half hours just to miss his set. I dm'ed him on social media asking if he could come back out and talk to us for a little bit before we had to leave.
During Quinn's set, I hung out with some friends that were at the concert. They kept me sane while we waited for Hoodie to come back out. We danced, laughed, and told stories from our lives.
After what seemed like forever, a security guard came out and told us Hoodie would be coming out soon. He told us to get on the other side of the road since Hoodie would be on that side of the van. Shortly after, the van came rolling out from the shadows and we all gathered round to talk to the legend himself.
As soon as we walked up to the van, Hoodie personally apologized to me for us missing his set. I told him it was alright and that we got caught in traffic. I knew he'd be coming back to Pittsburgh within the next year again, so it honestly wasn't that big of a deal. He then said something that completely caught me off guard. "Yeah, we'll be back to Pittsburgh in July or August. Just message me before then and I can get you some free tickets."
I was shocked. I always knew Hoodie cared about his fans, but this? I never thought in a million years my favorite artist would be offering to get me free tickets. I understood it was because we missed his set, but I have never been shown this kind of kindness from an artist before.
A few minutes later, I finally got up the courage to thank him for helping me with everything. "Thank you for everything. With my mom..." I instantly broke down. I wanted to say more, but just mentioning my mom sent my over the edge. If I didn't have him and his music during this time, I don't know what I would've done. I hadn't cried while meeting Hoodie since 2014, and that was the first time I met him. So many emotions were happening at once during both of these occasions, but I wouldn't have had it any other way.
After being a fan of Hoodie for six years now, I've really started developing a special bond with him. Every time I'm around him, I feel safe, loved, and appreciated. We've got something really special planned for when he comes back to Pittsburgh in July/August. Stay tuned for more updates!
