One of the biggest sources for happiness in my life are concerts. I've been to over twenty concerts in the 21 years of my life, and I plan on going to way more in the future. In this article, I will be talking about five of the best concerts I've ever been to.
5. Hoodie Allen- People Keep Talking Tour, Columbus, OH
My sophomore year of high school, I started listening to Hoodie Allen (aka Hoodie). I was in a really dark place when I discovered him, and he made everything okay. About a year after discovering him, I almost committed suicide. Something in my mind told me it wasn't my time to go, so I kept pushing on, hoping for a change for the better. A few days later, I found out I was seeing Hoodie in concert for the first time. Eight days after that was the concert. I remember meeting Hoodie for the very first time at the merch table and just hugging him and crying. This concert was also very important to me because it was the first concert I ever went to with my mom. Thanks to that concert, she grew to love Hoodie, and we went to two more of his shows together.
4. Twenty One Pilots- Tour De Columbus (The Schott)
Last summer, Columbus duo Twenty One Pilots had a mini-tour for just their hometown. Before then, I had never been to a hometown show, so I knew I needed to go. I ended up getting tickets for the show at The Schott, which just so happened to be the last show of the "tour". I woke up at the crack of dawn and my friend Allie and I headed for Columbus. There was already hundreds of people there when I arrived, but I was determined to get a good spot in the pit. When I first got into the pit, I was probably like 10th row, which granted, isn't bad at all. I was happy with where I was. However, thanks to Twenty One Pilot's crazy fanbase, I got pushed up to about the third row. I got to stand right by Tyler when he was standing on the crowd for Trees. It was such a surreal experience.
3. Warped Tour Burgettstown, PA and Warped Tour Cuyahoga Falls, OH 2018
The third place spot is taken by two different concerts. This past summer, I went to two Warped Tour dates, and it was actually my first times ever going to the festival. My expectations were met and exceeded immensely. While they were two very different experiences, I had to group them together. I met many bands at both concerts (Waterparks, As It Is, Sleep On It, and The Maine just to name a few) and even got barricade for some of the performances. I got very sunburnt at both concerts, despite layering on sunscreen multiple times both days, but that didn't hinder my experience at these shows. Rest in peace, Warped Tour. We'll miss you.
2. Thrival Festival 2015
Back in 2015, I went to my first music festival. It was in the outskirts of Pittsburgh and my favorite band, Panic! At the Disco was headlining. It was my first time seeing Panic live, and they did not disappoint. I got to the "venue" (I'm using this term very loosely since it was literally in a field) pretty early and there was only about five people in front of me. For my first time seeing my favorite band ever, I was front row. That was a once in a lifetime experience and I wish I could afford to do that again (since their shows are mainly just arena shows now). This show is also where I discovered Andrew McMahon in the Wilderness. I loved his music and energy right away. Andrew actually climbed into the crowd right by me. This concert was such an amazing experience.
1. Hoodie Allen- The Hype Tour, Pittsburgh, PA
Anyone that knows me in the slightest probably saw this coming. This concert has a lot of significance to me. First off, this was the first concert (and only concert as of right now) that I've been first in line for. I met many amazing people at this concert that I still call my friends. The main reason this concert is so important to me, however, is because it was the first Hoodie concert I went to without my mom. Up until then, my mom and I had always gone to see him together. I was very anxious-ridden, and the concert was on the two month anniversary of when she passed away. Once I got through the doors, however, I felt so much better. Hugging Hoodie again made all of my worries disappear. I was there to have a good time, and I was going to do just that. A few songs in, an unexpected turn of events came about. A piano melody started playing. "This isn't on the setlist," I thought to myself. Then it happened. "When you get down," loomed over the venue. Hoodie was singing my favorite song. He had heard about my mom, and was singing King to Me for me. I couldn't believe it. I instantly burst into tears. The rest of the concert was amazing, and I don't know if any other show will ever be able to top that one.
