I've met a lot of band members and musical artists in my day. I've been to over twenty concerts, so it makes perfect sense that I would meet so many people in the music scene. I've never met a rude person in the scene, however, some have stuck out more than others.
I've met the band Waterparks twice now, and both times they've been nothing but lovely and welcoming towards me. The first time I met them was in Pittsburgh when they were on tour with All Time Low. The second time was in Cuyahoga Falls, OH during Warped Tour. A few days before the Cuyahoga Falls date, I also went to the Pitssburgh Warped Tour date and I met Otto, the drummer, from Waterparks. He was running to get some food and stopped for a picture afterwards. After we took the picture, he offered me a french fry. I have barely eaten anything all day at that point, so this gesture was very sweet to me, not to mention, it was also something I've never experienced with any other band member before.

Hoodie Allen
This probably comes as no surprise to anyone. I've met Hoodie about six times now, which is by far, the most times I've ever met any artist. Every time I meet Hoodie, he is so genuine and caring. He has started to recognize me at shows now, too, since I've gone to so many. Hoodie just always makes me feel so safe and loved in his presence, and he definitely deserves more attention. He's hands down the nicest person in the music industry I've ever met.

The Maine
Just like Waterparks, I've met The Maine twice. The first time I met them was when they opened for The All American Rejects and Dashboard Confessional in Pittsburgh. The second time was in Cuyahoga Falls, OH during Warped Tour. I remember running from the Waterparks meet and greet to meet them, and I ended up being the last person to meet them that day. Justin (their merch guy) gave me a carboard sign that read, "I'm the last person to meet a band called The Maine" and it was my job to crush people's dreams that day. I felt awful about it. But everything was worth it when I got up to the merch tent. The Maine started clapping and cheering, along with everyone standing around the tent. They all gave me high fives and asked if anyone gave me any problems. We took the picture, I got them to sign the sign Justin gave me, and I hugged all of them goodbye. This was one of the most unique experiences (other than the one with Otto from Waterparks) that I have ever had. The Maine are such great guys, and on top of that, they make amazing music. They made me feel so special in that moment, and it'll be an experience that I never forget.

Cody Carson from Set It Off
All of the Set It Off boys are really great and sweet, however, Cody gave me an experience I'll never forget, so I decided to single him out. I saw Set It Off for the first time back in 2015. Getting to the concert was an experience in itself, but that's a story for a different time. After the concert, I decided I was going to wait outside to try to meet the band. Maxx (the drummer) and Zach (one of the guitarists) came out first. I didn't get to talk to them, but just being in their presence was amazing. Around 12:30, Cody finally came walking down the street. It was just me and one other girl waiting at that point. Cody saw me, came up to me, and asked if I had been waiting for him this entire time. I said yes, and he pulled me into a bear hug and started apologizing over and over. I could instantly smell alcohol on his breath and I just laughed to myself. This was the first and only time (at least that I know of) that I have met a band member or musical artist drunk. Cody was so sweet and felt so bad that I waited all that time to meet him, but it was so worth it. I've met Cody (and the rest of the band, finally) one other time. It was on January 22, 2018, the day after my 21st birthday. Cody was sober this time, and I met all of them in no time at all. They were all so welcoming and I can't wait to meet them again.
