Back when Vine was huge, two of my favorite creators on the app were Cody Ko and Noel Miller. Their content was funny, unique, and always made my day. About a year ago, I came across Cody's YouTube channel. I watched almost every That's Cringe in that one night and was instantly hooked once again.
While watching their videos, I noticed that Cody and Noel made music under the name "Tiny Meat Gang." That very next day, I listened to every single song they had created. Let's start with their first mixtape, "Bangers and Ass." This mixtape consists of five songs and is a little over 14 minutes long. Though short (just like Cody and Noel), this mixtape is a very enjoyable one. While their music is supposed to be satirical, it is still very good. I can't even pick a favorite off of this mixtape, it's THAT GOOD.

Their second is titled "Locals Only." This record consists of eight songs and clocks in at a little over 18 minutes long. Just like their first record, this mixtape is absolutely amazing. You can see their growth in this record. The jokes are better, the flow is better, and the beats are better. While I love every single song on this mixtape, I think my favorite is "Juice."

Now let's talk about the singles they've released since "Locals Only" came out. The first one to come out was 'Walk Man." This single is arguably my favorite. This is the most popular of the singles, and it's easy to see why. It's extremely catchy, and all I have to say is...BARS.
The next single to get released was "Short King Anthem" which features Blackbear. This song is another amazing one. The added touch of Blackbear singing the chorus really gives it a nice touch. Maybe TMG will collab with Hoodie Allen next?
The latest release was "Club Poor." This song is something different TMG, since it's more of an EDM type of song. This isn't usually the type of music I like, but somehow, Cody and Noel make it work. Noel's flow in this song? Perfect. Cody's part? Hilarious. The music video for this song? Amazing.
Basically what I'm saying is that Tiny Meat Gang doesn't have a single bad song. (Except maybe their very first song but let's not talk about that.) They make these songs to make people laugh yet all of their songs are better than any 19 Soundcloud rapper's so called "songs" will ever be.
Want a fun night of comedy? Go see Cody and Noel on tour! Visit their website for more details, and use their Seatgeek codes to get cheaper tickets!
Also check out their podcast (Tiny Meat Gang) and subscribe to their YouTube channels for more great content!